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Thank You Cards Sadrian Plastic Surgery, Laser & Skin Care Institute of San Diego

Thank You Cards

Dr. Sadrian,

There have been very few people in my life that I have encountered that have made a huge impact on my life. The day I entered your practice and met yourself and staff, I was delighted. Your calming nature and representation as a Doctor are nothing but outstanding. I never once felt judged or embarrassed about what I looked like during my consultation. You said something to me on our first visit that I will never forget. You told me that no matter if I proceeded with the surgery or not, that I am beautiful just the way I am! That meant more to me then you will ever know! Being a Nutritional Therapist and Mater Trainer I cannot express how much body image in my profession means. For the first time, I felt as if I had a choice, and for this I will forever remember that day!

Sitting in one of your patient rooms at my first post op appointment, I read a quote: “I’ve learned that people will forget how you made them feel”. (Maya Angelou) This may be true for many people in life, but I can tell you that I will never forget what you said to me. I will never ever forget what you did for me to help me feel better about myself and I will never forget how you made me feel prior to surgery and after.

Lastly, your staff is nothing but amazing. Every one of them I have had the pleasure of seeing has been so delightful! I always look forward to walking into my appointments and seeing their wonderful smiles!

Thank you for being such a great person and wonderful Doctor. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a great and prosperous New Year. God Bless. Kindly, SM

“You’re paws-itively terrific!” Sorry, I was a “difficult” patient. Thanks so much for your great care. I will try to be easier next procedure. J LJ

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dear Dr. Sadrian and staff,

I just wanted to thank you all for the outstanding care you gave me throughout the process for my recent procedure! Never did I have a moment of anxiety or worry about anything! You are such a talented and humble doctor and your staff is above average! I am so happy with my new self! Many thanks to you all!

Kind Regards, AT

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

A little something to give you energy after all those surgeries!

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dear Dr. Sadrian & Staff,

Thanks so much for my “latest” work! You and your team are the Best! I’m sure I will always need a little touch-up somewhere!

You have a client for life! Fondly – LW

Dear Hilary,

Enjoy this up lifting blond. Hope she makes you laugh and smile when you look at her! We all need a good laugh and this little statue is over the top! Thank you for my “maintenance” over the years.

With Appreciation LM

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dear Mary,

Thank you for my awesome care! I’m so happy with my new look!!

With appreciation, LM

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Thank you Dr. Sadrian,

I love the way that I look. Thank you also to Hilary, you always make my lips look perfect. Thank you Mary for all your help. All of you make me feel like a queen at every visit. Also, a special thank you to Lydia for all your help.


Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dr. Sadrian and staff:

Hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Thank you for all you’ve done – my husband loved my new eyes!


Patient Thank You Card Testimonial


Thank you so much for everything you’ve done. I appreciate your professional opinion and excellent customer service. I’m so glad I went with the bigger size, your personability has made the world of a difference.

Thank you again. AL

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dear Dr. Sadrian and Staff,

Lydia, Mary, Marcella, Hilary, and Suzanne and all the beautiful ladies that helped! Thank you so much for the care and devotion shown to me while I was in your care. At last I no longer strain my back under the weight of what was up front. I stand much straighter now and don’t shudder when I catch my reflection in a window. Thank you too, for erasing the “pain frown” line in my forehead! My son’s wedding was much more enjoyable.

Very warm wishes, MW

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dear Dr. Sadrian and staff

I just wanted to thank you all for the outstanding care you gave me throughout the process for my recent procedure! Never did I have a moment of anxiety or worry about anything! You are such a talented and humble doctor and your staff is above average! I am so happy with my new self! Many thanks to you all!

Kind Regards, AT

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dr. Sadrian,

Just wanted to express how grateful and appreciative I am for all you’ve done. Thank you so much for doing such an awesome job. Working in a male dominant profession it’s important for me to keep my femininity. I’m very happy with the results and I’m sure I’ll continue to be happy as time ensues. Your personality made me feel very comfortable and at ease. Thank you again for genuinely caring about your work and your patients. P.S. Thank you for keeping my boyfriend informed during the procedure that means a lot to my family.


Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

To Dr. Sadrian, Lydia, and the nursing staff,

Thank you so much for the caring and professional treatment I received at your office. My breast augmentation experience far exceeded all my expectations, and I could not be more satisfied with my results! Dr. Sadrian you are truly kind and knowledgeable surgeon. I felt like you listened to what I wanted. Your work is the best in La Jolla!! Please feel free to use me as a reference for any future patients.

Thank you. PG

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dear Dr. Sadrian,

Thank you so much for the extra ordinary care you gave me. I felt so safe & cared for- so very grateful for your work & you. MY To the Staff You are some of the most caring, lovely & wonderful people I have ever met.

Thank you for everything! MY

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dr. Sadrian, Lydia, Hilary & Everyone else-

You’ve been so nice, so thoughtful, too, A warm thank-you to all of you! Thank you so much for your TLC – it’s so appreciated!


Patient Thank You Card Testimonial


Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Thank you so much for all you have done for me.

We appreciate your caring staff and my new “you know”… 🙂 You all have a place in our hearts. Happy Holidays & Happy New Years! K & G If you need anything, please call me too.


Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

To Dr. Sadrian, Lydia, Hilary, Suzanne, Mary, Patsy, Dr. Hollan, & Roberta

Thank you for being so amazing & for making our painful procedure not only tolerable but fun! Merry Christmas! Affectionately!


Patient Thank You Card Testimonial


I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Thank you for making me feel beautiful inside and out!

M 🙂

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

To Suzanne,

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Cheers, J & L

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial


Thank you for ALL your help and answering our questions. Your Awesome!!


Dearest Dr. Sadrian,

Well, I took you up on your offer to let me get an IPL from Suzanne.. Thank you!

She is wonderful and knows her stuff! I so appreciate your kindness. I can already tell that my skin benefiting from the treatment. She will be recommended. You’re the best Dr. Sadrian. You’re so respected and so talented. It’s a pleasure to know such a man…

Thank you, SF

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dearest Suzanne,

I wanted to thank you so very much for my wonderful IPL treatment! It seems you have it down! I can’t wait for the results. I know you went deep, but it’s looking better already. You’re so talented and so kind.

I really appreciate you and Dr. Sadrian. SF

Dr. Sadrian,

I wanted to take this moment to thank you for the wonderful care you gave me. You and your staff where just amazing! There was someone always available to answer my questions, even on the weekends. I know that I was not the easiest patient and was always trying to do too much too soon, but you were so kind in telling me to slow down. How do you thank someone for giving them a new beginning? I am not really sure, but will always be thankful from the bottom of my heart.

Sincerely, KB

Dear Dr. Sadrian, Lydia, Mary & Hilary,

I just want to thank you so so much for everything!!! ____ looks fantastic, her surgery and recovery couldn’t have gone any better (Thank God) because she has THE BEST Surgeon ever! Thank you for all your patience with me as a nervous Mom!! From the moment we came into your office for her first consultation, we knew this was going to be great! Dr. Sadrian, you and Lydia spent so much time with us and were (& still are every visit) so caring & comforting!! Hilary also spent so much time with us for ____’s Pre-Op & again was so comforting & caring!! Mary – every time we came in for ___’s check-up, you are so comforting, caring & awesome!! We can’t thank you enough for being the best & for the way you all are!! (Plus you’re all fun too!)

Dr. Sadrian we appreciate you so much!! Much Love to you all, K

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dr. Sadrian, Lydia, and staff,

I thought you would get a kick out of this card. LOL.I just wanted to send a note letting you know how much I have appreciated everything. You always spend so much time with me making me feel comfortable and at ease. You have always been so patient and kind. Your support and encouragement and advice have been extremely helpful.

Sincerely, FP

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Words can not express my gratitude for your talented hands and wonderful heart. You have made a very positive change in my life. Thank you. Your amiga. DC

Thanks for taking such good care of my beautiful girl. Y

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dear Dr. Sadrian,

Thank you so much for the complimentary facial treatment. I loved every minute of it and Carol was wonderful. You are so kind, thoughtful and generous. I can hardly believe how clean, fresh and soft my face feels. ____ has certainly has been blessed to have you as her doctor, She is in excellent hands. I know both _____ and I will recommend you to all our friends and relatives.

Again, I thank you. MC

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dear Dr. Sadrian,

Thank you for sharing your gift of surgical expertise, and for your patience, and attentive patient care.Thank you for choosing to give your patients the remarkable Exparel that helped greatly in the initial recovery process. I am very pleased with the surgical result that will aid in my better health, posture, and positive body image.

Thank you for your excellent work. RG

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dearest Dr. Sadrian,

What a fabulous experience it has been for me to be a patient of yours! I was right in trusting my intuition and choosing you to perform my surgeries. I am thrilled with my results, but equally important to me is your honesty, integrity, and your very warm and caring demeanor. You have the ability to make a patient feel that they are the most important person in your world. This is indeed a rare and unique gift. I will be happy to recommend you to all my friends with great enthusiasm! Many, many thanks to the quintessential plastic surgeon. – I look amazing, right? 🙂

Wishing you ever happiness. DM

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dr. Sadrian and Staff.

A million thanks for all you do. I am so pleased already with my results. And kudos to youall for putting up with me. Much love and hugs to you all. Will see you again in the future for sure.


Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dr. Sadrian, Patti, & Hilary,

I’m writing this to you all in an effort to somehow express my feelings for the impact that you all have made in my life. You truly are very special people to me and I will forever hold you dear to my heart. I knew at our first meeting that I could not possibly feel any more comfortable than I did with you. You have changed my life. Not only have you made my outward appearance prettier, more importantly, you have made me want to be a better person by your example. Your genuine compassion and sincerity is so endearing that I felt truly cared about, as a patient and as a friend. I can only hope that when my patients and their loved ones say “thanks” or they tell me that I’ve made a difference in their lives at a difficult time in their lives, that they are feeling the heartfelt warmth that I’m feeling when I say to you, thank you for making such a difference in my life. I truly will never forget each one of you.

Sincerely, SM

And I’m so grateful! Lovin’ my new eyes!


Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dear Dr. Sadrian,

Thank you for your time & compassion at our appointment last Thursday. I have more peaceof mind after your exam and feedback on my recent facelift. I’ll look forward to seeing you in the future for monitoring and any future revisions.

You were very kind. Best VL

Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

Dear Dr. Sadrian,

Just a short note to say thank you for taking such good care of my wife, _____. She can be a “tough cookie” to impress(!)and yet she has sung your praises from the very beginning. We are so glad that _____ and ______ recommended you, and I’ve passed your office contact info on to a colleague already. And, to be sure, we are very appreciative of the way you handled the unfortunate mix-up about additional charges. I certainly recognize you have a business to run, making your gesture all the more meaningful. You did not have to be so gracious and I can’t tell you what a relief it was to _____. So please accept my heartfelt kudos to you and your staff. Gratefully.


Patient Thank You Card Testimonial

The decision to undergo a cosmetic procedure is extremely personal. If you are considering an enhancement, you want to be confident that your results will appear fresh and natural – and like you. Dr. Sadrian is among the finest plastic surgeons practicing in the San Diego area and has achieved acclaim for consistently achieving natural-looking results. Schedule an appointment to learn more.


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