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Gynecomastia Surgery San Diego

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is abnormally enlarged breast tissue in men. The term comes from the combining forms gyneco-, which is female, and masto, which is breast—both from the Greek. Gynecomastia surgery exists to address this issue specifically.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

It is not uncommon and develops in approximately 70% of adolescent boys, with about 75% of cases resolving without treatment in about two years after the condition develops. There are also certain diseases and medications, as well as dysfunctions of the endocrine and metabolic systems that can cause the condition. The normal reduction in testosterone that comes with aging can result in gynecomastia. Many older men notice they are developing an excess of breast tissue and choose to undergo surgery to smooth and firm the upper chest.

Gynecomastia Surgery La Jolla

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

There are certain medications that may prove effective in reducing the size of the male breasts, depending on the cause, but surgical procedures are the most effective and longest-lasting treatments for gynecomastia. There are two procedures that may be used:

Cosmetic surgery

A surgical procedure in which a small incision is made, followed by our San Diego plastic surgeon removing any extra breast tissue. With the removal of tissue, the breast becomes smaller and flatter, which can change the position of the nipples. In such instances the surgeon may also need to move the nipple or the dark area around it (the areola), as well. If the Webster Incision is used, the incision is made beneath the areola and will be invisible once healed.


A treatment in which the extra fat is suctioned from under the skin. This has less risk of nipple distortion but, for many men, it is only used as in combination with cosmetic surgery. A very small incision is made (5 mm) at the edge of the nipple so the excess fatty tissue can be extracted with gentle liposuction.

Dr. Sadrian's La Jolla male breast reduction surgery can take as little as one hour but more commonly takes closer to two hours.

Gynecomastia Surgery La Jolla

What is the Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery?

San Diego gynecomastia surgery costs between $8,000 and $11,000, which includes all fees associated with your surgery. However, this price is an estimate, as the cost may vary based on your unique physical features, which surgical technique is used, and other factors. To help make your procedure more easily available, we provide financing with CareCredit, and Alphaeon.

Recovery from Gynecomastia Surgery

If you have an excess of glandular tissue and fat to be removed, the incision will be larger and the recovery a bit longer. Also, quality of your skin and your natural healing ability are factors in how well and quickly the scars heal. On average, most patients can resume daily routines within two or three days. Moderate exercise can typically be resumed with two to three weeks.

Gynecomastia Surgery La Jolla

Why Choose Dr. Sadrian for Male Breast Reduction in La Jolla

As a board-certified San Diego plastic surgeon with almost two decades of experience, Dr. Sadrian has successfully performed gynecomastia surgery in La Jolla many times. His experience, combined with his keen eye for aesthetics and balance, Dr. Sadrian can be trusted to carefully and correctly perform this important surgery, so you can once again feel comfortable in your own skin.

Gynecomastia Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Are you one of the many men who struggles with an excess of breast tissue? Are you tired of wearing loose clothing or trying to hide the condition? At Sadrian Plastic Surgery, we are here to help. Read our answers to common questions to help you understand what to expect with gynecomastia surgery.

While the surgical procedure is meant to provide permanent results, this can be altered by a number of health, life and lifestyle changes, such as gaining or losing weight, a change in the amount or type of exercise you do, certain medical conditions or the ingestion of drugs that affect testosterone levels.

Typically, this surgery requires only about one to two hours to complete, based upon what is required for the individual patient. Some may only need liposuction, while others need to have glandular tissue removed. As with every surgical procedure we perform, we never rush, and take all the time needed to create a firm, smooth, masculine upper chest and arguably the best results in gynecomastia surgery San Diego has to offer.

The decision to undergo a cosmetic procedure is extremely personal. If you are considering an enhancement, you want to be confident that your results will appear fresh and natural – and like you. Dr. Sadrian is among the finest plastic surgeons practicing in the San Diego area and has achieved acclaim for consistently achieving natural-looking results. Schedule an appointment to learn more.


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